The Vantage Stadium Seat from Gobi Heat is the newest offering in our line of outdoor chairs and outdoor gear. The 7.4V 6500 mAh battery powers two heat zones across 3 heat settings: low (113°F / 9 hrs), medium (122°F / 6 hrs), and high (131°F / 4.5 hrs) Fully charge your heated portable camping chair in 3-4 hours for an industry leading 9 hours of electric warmth. Vantage takes portable heat to the next level. Featuring an easy to carry handle and pockets for your phone, keys, and other valuables, Vantage will keep you comfortable and warm all day long. For sporting and entertainment events, Vantage will save your behind from those cold bleachers. Vantage features a strong back for support and comfort. This portable seat comes equipped with Gobi Heat’s battery, which also charges your phone while keeping you warm. Vantage is the most durable and reliable rechargeable heated stadium seat out there. Purchase portable comfort like you’ve never experienced before. Vantage comes available in Flare, Midnight, and Slate.
Heat Zones: Dual heat zones. 1 in the seat, 1 in the lower back.
Heat Settings: Low – 113° F, Med – 122° F, High – 131° F
Battery Life:Low – 9hrs, Med – 6hrs, High – 4.5hrs
Frame Material:Solid steel
Shipping Dimensions: 20″ x 19″ x 9″
250lb weight capacity
Conductive thread technology
Wind and water resistant
Mesh phone pocket
Solid steel frame
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